
Miles Johnson

Miles Johnson testimonial
Year Graduated: 2024
Program: Aviation Maintenance Technology
Degree Earned: Associate
Name of Employer: United Rotorcraft
Location of Employer: Denver, Co
Job Title: Mechanical Assembly Technician
Why did you select Spartan College and your program of study?: When I was first looking for schools to go to for aviation I toured spartan and found that the feeling of being at the school was far better than anywhere else. I could smell the fuel, see the cutaways, and felt I’d have a more full experience of being in school.
How did Spartan College successfully prepare you for your career?: It helped me gain technical knowledge and earn skills that would help me in the workforce.
Please describe your career path and how you got to where you are today (Including degrees earned).: I started at spartan right after graduating high school and worked to get my associates in applied science, and am working to finish up getting my a&p license.
How has your education made a difference in your life?: It helped me get good experience and knowledge to understand my role in my career path and help me be successful. School taught me the value of hard work, studying, and helping my peers when they needed it which are all good tools to have.
What advice do you have for current students?: Even when you feel burned out and the road to finishing is long, perseverance is key to get where you want to be.
Please describe the ways that Spartan College faculty and staff impacted you. : My teachers were always very insightful and happy to help me learn and grow to get a better understanding of the industry and the good parts as well as the challenges in it. They always had a vast depth of knowledge when it came to their subjects of expertise which was very interesting.
How did Spartan Prepare you for your day to day responsibilities? What tools and equipment do you use?: It helped me get a better understanding of my tasks and how to perform them accurately and effectively.
What have been some of the high points of your career?: It’s just getting started, but the experiences I’ve had so far have been influential
Please share any additional comments or information, including your future goals, professional involvement and community service activities.: I Hope to continue my career and become a successful mechanic and keep moving up
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