Looking for a scholarship to help pay for school? Contact Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology today for more information on scholarship opportunities. Scholarships may be available to those who qualify.
Alternative funding sources like a college scholarship can be an important component of your overall financial plan. Spartan College offers a variety of internal scholarship opportunities to assist in paying for college. Contact the Student Finance Department for additional details and the application process.
In addition, scholarships in several areas of study are offered through many outside organizations. Every year many scholarship dollars go unused simply because no one applies for them. Scholarships can be awarded for various reasons and are based on different criteria. The requirements may be very specific or very general. Some may include:
Please note: You must submit a completed enrollment agreement to attend Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology in order to be eligible to apply for any of our Spartan College administered scholarships.
Oklahoma Chapter Ninety-Nines Scholarship
Sandra Blake Memorial Scholarship Foundation
EAA post-secondary scholarships
American Yankee Association private pilot scholarship
International council of air shows foundations
Dan L. Meisinger, Sr. Memorial learn to fly scholarship
Navigate your Future scholarship
Cessna 170 Association scholarship
EAA post-secondary scholarships
Cessna 170 Association scholarship
AEA Educational Foundation Scholarship Program
Exploring Aviation scholarship
Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship
AMT Maintenance Scholarships (National Business Aviation Association)
Hank Hilsmann Memorial Scholarship (National Business Aviation Association)
Successories College Scholarship
Janice K. Barden Aviation scholarship
Women aircraft maintenance technician Scholarship
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