Frequently Asked Questions about Military and VA Education Benefits
As a veteran, what education benefits am I eligible for?
Spartan College/VA School Certifying Official has very limited access/knowledge of your individual eligibility benefits, payments, etc. It is the students’ responsibility to notify the VA School Certifying Official if a change occurs in your eligibility status.
How much will I receive from the V.A.?
The amount of benefits from the GI Bill® will vary depending on any “kickers”, college funds, D.O.D. benefits, etc. Your best source is to call the Veterans Administration at 1-888-GIBILL-1 and give them your service number (which is your social security number) to determine the amount. Also, you need to check your enlistment papers to determine if you have the college funds.
How do I apply for these benefits?
Veterans or currently active military should contact their ESO military counselor to review which program(s) they may or may not qualify for and to obtain approval for the program. If the student does not already have a username and password they can visit to create an account as a new user.
Can I receive any credit at Spartan College for my military experience/training?
Students with military experience may be able to receive advanced standing credit for their experience. Students requesting to be awarded advanced standing credit for school, military training, or work experience should submit the appropriate documentation verifying experience or training to the Registrar for evaluation. Students will then be referred to the appropriate academic department head(s) for final evaluation and scheduling of bypass exam(s).
What is the Financial Aid Process?
Student Finance Advisor will conduct an Overview with the student explaining the entire process and what documents are needed.
Submit FAFSA through (be sure to include School Code 00767800)
Students must supply Certificate of eligibility and DD214 from the department of veteran affairs.
If required, students must submit college transcripts to be evaluated for any prior credit.
If the student chooses to obtain federal student loans they would need to complete the master promissory note and entrance counseling on
Will I be reimbursed for licensing and certification tests?
Chapter 33 students may be reimbursed for licensing and/or certification exams if an exam is approved for VA benefits. See for additional information relative to your VA Benefit.
Why is the tuition cost reported to the VA different from what is reported on my account?
The tuition cost reported to the VA may be less than the actual tuition charge on your account ledger. Tuition/fees reported to VA are reduced by the application of any waiver, scholarship, or other applicable aid specific to tuition & fees.
What happens if my benefits do not cover all of my student debt?
You may be responsible for repaying any payments received for a class/course not completed as certified. The debt incurred may be tuition, fee(s), housing or any combination.
What happens to my benefits if I do not attend a course or drop out?
The school will return to the VA any monies paid to the school on your behalf for a course you did not attend.
What happens if I need to repeat a course?
Courses that are failed or for which the grade does not meet minimum requirements for graduation may be certified for VA purposes.
What happens if I take a Leave of Absence?
Enrollment cannot be certified if the return date is after the term start date.
How do I find a unit (Reservists) in the Spartan College area?
Your present unit should be able to assist in transferring you to a unit in the Tulsa, OK or Denver, CO areas. If you are close to your home unit, you may elect to serve there. Our Veterans Certifying Official can also assist with this.
Am I eligible for V.A. Rehab?
If you have a service-related injury or disability, you may apply for V.A. Rehab. The process can sometimes be lengthy; however, the best way to start is to contact the V.A. at 1-800-827-1000 and our Veterans Certifying Official for assistance.
When will my Chapter 33 Tuition Payment Process?
The VA determines the payment process date(s). The school does not have any control or determination as to when the school receives tuition payment on your behalf.
When will my BAH/Housing Allowance payment process?
The VA determines when payment(s) to the student is processed.
Veterans or currently active military should contact an Admissions representative and the Director of Admissions to discuss their options for enrolling and attending Spartan College. You can also contact our campus presidents below.
Contact our Campus Presidents
Our veteran and former military students are invited to contact our Campus President below if you have special concerns/issues/questions.