

Jessica Silvers

Jessica Silvers testimonial
Year Graduated: 2023
Program: Aviation Maintenance Technology
Degree Earned: Associate
Name of Employer: Peregrine
Location of Employer: Centennial
Job Title: Production Manager
Why did you select Spartan College and your program of study?: I enrolled on a whim. I had never been interested in aviation, or even been on a plane before, but I loved fixing things. I heard about Spartan through my previous employer, and I was immediately interested so an hour later, I enrolled!
How did Spartan College successfully prepare you for your career?: Spartan gave me all of the tools I needed to succeed. My teachers were knowledgeable and attentive, my classmates were supportive and friendly, and if I ever had questions there was always someone who could help me.
Please describe your career path and how you got to where you are today (Including degrees earned).: I learned about Peregrine at one the schools career fairs, just before I was graduating and getting my A&P. Here, I get the opportunity to work alongside engineers and other companies in the design process for STCs, and then I build the parts after certification, and I get to travel in order to do installs on a wide variety of aircraft! Through the company, I have met a ton of people with different skills and learned from them. I have also gotten the opportunity to receive my AET certification, as well as my student pilots license! I plan on learning as much as I can about every aspect of aviation.
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