

Evan Strauss

Evan Strauss testimonial
Year Graduated: 2023
Program: Aviation Maintenance Technology
Degree Earned: Diploma
Name of Employer: BAE Systems
Location of Employer: Westminster
Job Title: RF Development Technician
Why did you select Spartan College and your program of study?: I mainly chose Spartan because I knew at the end of my program there would be countless job opportunities to choose from, I chose Aviation maintenance because I already had knowledge of working with my hands and this program just furthered my skills and knowledge in the blue collar world
How did Spartan College successfully prepare you for your career?: With the countless job fairs and company presentations I had tons of opportunity to talk with all sorts of different employers allowing me to gain knowledge of their companies and see the path I wanted to choose
Please describe your career path and how you got to where you are today (Including degrees earned).: My career is very short and sweet, about a year after high school is when I attended Spartan, loved going to school and learning everything I did and ended up graduating top of my class. Shortly after graduating I applied to BAE Systems (Formerly Ball Aerospace) for a development technician position. BAE Systems did not require an A&P license but the only reason I got my interview and got hired on was because I was a Spartan graduate, it turns out that four of my coworkers had attended Spartan as well. On a weekly basis I use most of the skills I learned at Spartan and I’ve become incredibly productive because of it. BAE was my first choice after graduating because I wasn’t striving to work for the airline business, I was incredibly interested in what BAE produces and what I could be building. Since I’ve been working at BAE the skills I’ve learned at this company have set me up for life in the defense industry, the job is so versatile and it’s incredible what I can do now. I’m incredibly grateful that going to Spartan gave me this opportunity to work for this business and I thinks it’s great that Spartan doesn’t only focus on airline jobs.
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