
Christopher Wood

Christopher Wood

Year Graduated: 2017

Program: Aviation Maintenance Technology

Degree Earned: Diploma

Name of Employer: Altech Services

Location of Employer: Denver. CO

Job Title: Vehicle Maintenance Lead Technician

Why did you select Spartan College and your program of study?

After leaving the USAF, I wanted to pursue a carrier in civilian aviation. After researching the aviation schools in Colorado, I came across Redstone College. After talking to a career advisor at said college, I decided to enroll. The roadmap for the course was designed very well. Furthermore, having FAA testing personnel on site for the Oral and Practical Examination was very beneficial.

How did Spartan College successfully prepare you for your career?

By virtue of the course design and the dedication of the instructors.

Please describe your career path and how you got to where you are today (Including degrees earned).

After earning my A&P in 2017, I chased a job in North Carolina to be a contractor for the USMC working on the MV-22. After a month of employment, the contract was renegotiated, and my slot was let go due to budget constraints. I returned to Colorado in search of work. Ever company that was looking for A&P's that I applied to interviewed me only to turn me down. Their answers were the same. "We are looking for someone fresh out of school that is new to aircraft maintenance." I am a veteran of the USAF with 8 years of aircraft maintenance experience with the skill set equivalent to an IA. In their eyes, I was over qualified. I spoke to a career advisor at Spartan College and was pointed in the direction of Altech Services. Altech is contracted through Denver Transit Operators to provide maintenance for the commuter railroad lines A, B, and G. I was hired on in 2018 and have since been promoted to Lead Technician.

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