

Andrew Birkby

Andrew Birkby testimonial
Year Graduated: 2022
Program: Aviation Maintenance Technology
Degree Earned: Associate
Name of Employer: General Atomics
Location of Employer: Palmdale, CA 93591
Job Title: Deployment Mechanic
Why did you select Spartan College and your program of study?: I always had an interest in how things worked, and I like planes. Spartan was the best fit for learning to do the things I like in a more laid back environment where people have more freedom and connection opportunities than many other places.
How did Spartan College successfully prepare you for your career?: By teaching me the essential skills and knowledge needed to get a footing in the aviation maintenance industry, and by helping in outreach for jobs.
Please describe your career path and how you got to where you are today (Including degrees earned).: I kept working jobs that did not have the opportunities that I was looking for, and I decided to make my own path. I enrolled at Spartan in November of 2020, and moved from Missouri to Colorado for my education. Through the job fairs and the help of Corey O'Brian and Deborah Graham in the career services department, I was able to secure work during my time there, and even after schooling. I'm now working in California and I genuinely enjoy what I do.
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