Year Graduated: 2019
Program: Aviation Maintenance Technology
Degree Earned: Diploma
Name of Employer: Frontier Airlines
Location of Employer: Denver International Airport
Job Title: A&P mechanic
Why did you select Spartan College and your program of study?
It was the only school in Colorado that had an a&p program. I chose the a&p program because I had always loved to work with my hands, and in high school I did an internship at a local FBO for my senior project, that when I knew I wanted to be an aircraft mechanic.
How did Spartan College successfully prepare you for your career?
Spartan College taught me all the basics that I needed to know for the final 3 tests and what I needed to know for working out in the industry.
Please describe your career path and how you got to where you are today (Including degrees earned).
Shortly after graduating from Spartan in February 2019, I took the 3 written tests, passed. Then I passed the oral and practical exams. About a month later I had an interview with Steve Ray for an a&p mechanic position at Frontier Airlines. I got the job , and have been working with Frontier Airlines since 06/17/2019
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